Dance & Movement Therapy

​‘Being able to feel safe with other people is probably the single most important aspect of mental health; safe connections are fundamental to meaningful and satisfying lives.’

– Bessel Van der kolk

Dance and movement therapy is rooted in the idea that motion and emotion are interconnected.

In simple terms the body and mind are inseparable- and from infancy we first and foremost experience ourselves through our movements.

When we are born, we are free to be creative and spontaneous through our bodies.  Through movement, we gain confidence in our sense of self.

Separation of the body and mind can be a result of traumatic events, unresolved shame, depression, low self esteem and or abuse.

Dance and movement therapists work on re-integrating the body and mind and help the brain to recover from fight or flight mode.

Being given a safe space to explore movements for anyone affected by trauma can result in unlocking trapped emotions.

Dance Therapy Illustration

Some experiences are too traumatic to be expressed verbally- dance and movement therapy allows children and young people to explore their emotions non verbally.

Dancing is also known to release more endorphins than regular exercise and research proves that it is powerful at reducing cortisol levels ( the stress hormone).  It promotes self regulation and creativity- which increase mental wellbeing.

Are you looking to make a referral?
Could the therapeutic skills of our team be of benefit to someone you know?
We would love to hear from you.
Get in touch!

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